base address prevod sa engleskog na srpski online

base address | englesko - srpski rečnik

base address


The part of a two-part memory address that remains constant and provides a reference point from which the location of a byte of data can be calculated. A base address is accompanied by an offset value that is added to the base to determine the exact location (the absolute address) of the information. The concept is similar to a street address system. For example, “2010 Main Street” consists of a base (the 2000 block of Main Street) plus an offset (10 from the beginning of the block). Base addresses are known as segment addresses in IBM PCs and compatibles; data in these computers is identified by its position as a relative offset from the start of the segment. See also absolute address, offset, relative address, segment.

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base address

Reč dana 08.09.2024.

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ženski rod, hemija
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